Abduction Protocol
4 min readJun 2, 2021


Hello Earthlings, and welcome to Abduction Protocols Weekly Update. Our journey to the Moon has been underway for a little over three weeks now, and this week was quite an eventful one! To all abductees we’ve picked up along the way this week — welcome! We know a lot of you are still a little confused by this whole situation. One minute you’re just watching Netflix, minding your own business.. the next you suddenly find yourself in this beautiful spaceship of ours. Don’t worry though, we’re only trying to help you!

We just feel like everyone deserves a trip to the moon at least once in their lifetime. In the meantime please make yourself at home here. We’ve got a swimming pool, a private cinema, a bowling alley and some other facilities you’ll enjoy. This project has the backbone to be a long-term thing, so it might be a while before you leave the spaceship. We figured we might as well make it comfortable for you guys. Anyways, let’s get to this week’s updates!


To start out with the most exciting thing that happened this week: We got audited and promoted by Frank Castle. For those of you who are not too familiar with him: Frank Castle is the owner of three Telegram groups that are focused on finding unruggable and thus trustworthy projects. We passed his strict test with flying colors, and we have now been officially confirmed as Uruggable! Take that, doubters.

His promotion of our projects in his three groups led to a lot of new interested people. Within minutes our market cap had more than doubled! Sadly, it quickly became obvious that last week’s crash still has an effect on buyers, because quite quickly we saw the market cap dipping down again. However, we have been steadily staying around $200k MC for a few days now, and most importantly: we gained more than 150 holders! This brings us that much closer to a Coingecko listing and a TrustWallet logo.


Thanks to our newest team member John, we now have a completely revamped website. Even though the old website is still available, the new website has gotten a new domain. The domain we use now is: https://abductionprotocol.io/

Now that is an awesome-looking website, isn’t it?


We managed to get listed on CoinVote, a listing website. This is immensely important for getting the exposure that we need at this stage of the journey. Please consider voting for us with the link: https://coinvote.cc/coin/Abduction_Protocol

CoinVote allows you to vote once an hour, so coming back as often as possible would help us out a bunch!


The abduction v2 bot will feature automated abductions which get decided by the community, every 3 hours a poll will be made and the community can vote for which group they want to abduct from. Furthermore while developing the inactivity kicker we ran into a few speed bumps which hindered our progress, a few work around solutions have been discussed and being worked on right now, more updates to come!


The Abduction Protocol Missions bot is now live on Telegram. This bot aims to increase activity, participation, holders, and coin burning by rewarding users ABDUCT tokens for completing tasks.

The bot launched just 24 hours ago and has been wildly successful in helping generate more interest and more investors while crushing missions/tasks that will help us grow long-term. It takes less than a minute to complete a task and earn some tokens. Check it out here: https://t.me/AbductAirdrops_bot?start=ar3477750216


As announced in the last medium our first batch of NFT’s are just around the corner. If you hang out in the chat at all I’m sure you have seen someone or everyone post the gif that teases it at least once, if not be sure to hop in the Telegram and someone can show what to look forward to. Sadly there has been a delay due to a bug with the platform we have chosen to use to provide the community with our first NFT.

We are currently waiting for a patch on the platform for the issue to be resolved, but fear not, it should be taken care of any day now and you will all be sleeping sound with your very own Abduction Protocol NFT.


All in all, this week has been productive and we have been as busy as ever. There is still much more to come with this project and we are very excited to start releasing some of the things we have in store for the community.



Abduction Protocol

AbductionProtocol is an experimental DeFi project that uses a bot to provide “inorganic permanent marketing”. A completely automated long-term investment.